
I live in Portland, Oregon… Trying to make a go of it as a writer and sometime musician. I’m a far, far better writer than a musician.

I first  Landed in Portland just down the street from the house of one of my all-time favorite writers… & did not even know it!

Portland is…

The place where my first professionally written pieces were published in a Portland magazine… Plazm magazine

The town where I was carried to term in; birthed a bit north of here, though.

A place where a woman’s voice came out from the fire, saying, “the magic can begin again,” and it has…

A place things are found to have been oddly moved about the house at night, when all are asleep… Leaving ashy footprints in front of the fireplace

A place I never planned to com, arrived circumstantially. Now I existentially feel there’s  nowhere else I need to be, just yet…

Where I am simply become and becoming that which I needs must be… whatever that is we have yet to see 😉


There is a lot of stuff blossoming here in Portland.

I never planned to come here, and there’s nowhere else I feel I need to be, just yet… but here is where I am become that which I must be…



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